It is recommended that stored fuel be tested, expiration dates tracked, and stale or degraded fuel be replaced or reconditioned (NFPA 110) on, at least, an annual basis. Some common problems are:


Diesel Fuel Testing

FOPCO INC is a leader in diesel fuel oil testing. We utilize a standardized protocol for ensuring consistent, accurate and timely test results with personalized consultative follow-up.

Natural Enzyme Fuel Treatment

If the fuel requires treatment, a natural enzyme is used to kill bacteria and fungus, and stabilize the fuel. Our patented treatment is a petroleum distillate that carries the enzyme throughout the fuel. An enzyme is nothing more than protein — a protein that touches every molecule in the fuel. This protein is designed to change the molecular structure of every contaminant it finds in hydrocarbon fuel — which includes water, bacteria, fungus and algae.

Tank System Treatment

If the tank system requires treatment, a natural enzyme tank cleaning catalyst is used to remove built-up bacteria and fungus, and prevent rust and corrosion. This treatment is also a petroleum distillate.

Fuel Oil Polishing

Our fuel oil polishing process connects to the fuel system, removes bottom water, sludge, suspended water, and filters solids and biological residue through filters that remove particulates down to 1 micron! Do not be misled by companies that filter to 25 microns. This fuel is still dirty and will not perform at optimum performance levels and may not meet AB32 emission standards.

Our References

Following are some organizations who found FOPCO INC to be the best choice